Senin, 31 Mei 2010

AVR Multi Downloader

Panduan AVR-USB :

Perbincangan atau diskusi di seputar downloader USB-AVR semakin menarik, terutama yang menyoroti masalah AVRDude dan GUI-nya. Dalam artikel ini, saya mengulas 4 (empat) software GUI yaitu, Dalam CD ini sudah saya sediakan semua, tinggal menjalankan sesuai keterangan dibawah ini setelah selesai install driver downloader:

“ AVR-USB ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan sbb:

Ø Simple and Ekonomis Programmer dengan USB interface.

Ø Tidak membutuhkan catu daya external.

Ø Bisa digunakan untuk semua AVR yg memiliki ISP Prog.

Rabu, 25 November 2009

JDM Programmer for PIC

Schematic JDM Programmer

Image JDM Programmer

I believe that the "JDM Programmer" is cheap and very useful PIC Programmer. However, since "JDM Programmer" cannot control VDD, the algorithm "VPP before VDD" is inapplicable. Programming to the latest device from this reason may go wrong when using CONFIG settings as "Internal oscillator" "MCLR OFF". These devices are given power from the "JDM programmer",and execute program code. An error may come out by verification, or it may become impossible erasure and become impossible re-programming . In order to solve this problem, I designed a programmer based on the "JDM programmer." Since this programmer was made of resistors, capacitors, and diodes, I named this the "RCD Programmer." "Hardware settings" of IC-Prog are the same as the "JDM programmer."